- Anita Sieff

Her investigation is on love as feeling to be discovered, as motivation to act and as the understanding of the implication which drives humanity in its process towards awareness. It is the going beyond the self to encounter the other, that creates relationship. The relationship is therefore seen as a common space, a kind of laboratory where, without loosing our identity, we aspire to communion. From 1985 onwards, after graduating in German language and literature at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice with a thesis on contemporary aesthetics, the artist is involved in visual arts using performance, sound, photography, video, film, drawing, sculpture and writing. She lives between Venice and New York City. In her investigation on the nature of relationship she has recalled the Beuysian concept of Social Sculpture and created the public art work “Public” from 1996 to 2001 weekly held at the Guggenheim Museum and form 2002 to 2004 at the Fortuny Museum in Venice, recognizing its continuum and locating its end.

…e se quel che non sappiamo fosse bello, interessante, liberatorio? / …what if what we don’t know was beautiful, interesting, liberating? - HOPE!
HOPE 2020 - HOPE!

Under the sky - HOPE!

Sehnsucht - Embracing the Moment

Value Fulfillment - Et in Terra